
Is your Chevy Rear AC Vents Not Blowing Air? [Find out the reasons and solutions]

Rear AC vents not blowing air in a Chevy truck can be frustrating, especially during extreme weather conditions. Understanding the root cause of this issue is essential for a quick and effective fix. 

In this article, we’ll discuss the possible reasons behind this problem and explain how each one can lead to rear AC vents mulfunction. 

By the end of this post, you’ll have a better understanding of the potential culprits and know what to look for when troubleshooting your vehicle’s air conditioning system.

rear ac vents not blowing air

What Causes rear AC vents not blowing air on chevy trucks?

Rear AC vents problems in a Chevy truck can be attributed to a variety of issues that hinder the functionality of the air conditioning system. 

These problems may range from simple causes, such as obstructions or incorrect settings, to more complex issues involving the system’s components. 

Identifying the root cause is crucial to restoring the proper function of the rear AC vents and ensuring a comfortable cabin environment for passengers. Let’s explore the reason, diagnosis and fixes in detail-

#1. Blocked or Dirty Vents

One reason your rear AC vents might not be blowing air is simply due to blocked or dirty vents. 

Over time, dust, debris, or even small objects can ACcumulate in the vents, obstructing the airflow. 

By regularly cleaning and maintaining your vents, you can keep the air flowing freely and avoid this issue altogether.

#2. Incorrect Climate Control Settings

Sometimes, the rear AC vents may not blow air because the climate control settings are not set up correctly. 

Make sure the rear climate control is turned on and adjusted to the appropriate temperature and fan speed. 

Additionally, double-check that the vent mode directs air to the rear vents, as some systems have separate settings for front and rear air distribution.

#3. Blown Fuse

A blown fuse might be the culprit behind your rear AC vents mulfunction. Fuses protect your vehicle’s electrical components by breaking the circuit when there’s too much current. 

If the fuse for the rear blower motor has blown, the motor won’t function, and you won’t get any airflow from the vents. Checking and replacing the fuse, if necessary, can resolve this issue.

#4. Malfunctioning Blower Motor

The blower motor is responsible for pushing air through the vents, so a malfunctioning motor can prevent the rear AC vents from blowing air. 

Blower motors can fail due to wear and tear or electrical issues. If you suspect a faulty blower motor, you’ll need to have it inspected and replaced if necessary.

#5. Damaged or Disconnected Ductwork

If the ductwork that carries air to the rear vents is damaged or disconnected, the airflow will be compromised. 

This can result from general wear and tear or ACcidental damage during maintenance or repair. 

Examining the ductwork and fixing any damage or reconnecting loose sections can resolve this issue.

#6. Faulty Blend Door ACtuator

The blend door ACtuator is responsible for directing air through the appropriate vents, and a faulty one can prevent the rear AC vents from blowing air. 

If the blend door ACtuator is not functioning correctly, it may not direct air to the rear vents. Replacing the faulty ACtuator can restore proper airflow to the rear vents.

#7. Clogged Cabin Air Filter

A clogged cabin air filter can also cause the rear AC vents not to blow air. The cabin air filter ensures clean air flows into your vehicle’s cabin, but if it becomes clogged with dirt and debris, it can restrict airflow. 

Replacing the cabin air filter with a clean one can resolve this problem and improve overall air quality inside your truck.

#8. Low Refrigerant Level

Low refrigerant levels can affect your entire air conditioning system, including the rear AC vents. 

If your AC system is low on refrigerant, it may not produce enough cool air or may not blow air at all. 

Recharging the refrigerant and fixing any leaks can help restore the proper function of your rear AC vents.

#9. Failed AC Control Module

Lastly, a failed AC control module can cause the rear AC vents not to blow air. 

The control module is the brain of your vehicle’s air conditioning system, and if it fails, it can affect various components, including the rear blower motor and blend door ACtuator. 

Diagnosing and replacing a faulty AC control module can restore the proper function of your rear AC vents.

How Serious Are the Mulfunction in Rear AC Vents?

The seriousness of rear AC vents air blowing problem depends on the underlying cause and the specific circumstances. 

Generally, this issue is not considered a critical or dangerous problem, as it doesn’t directly impact the vehicle’s drivability, safety, or engine performance. 

However, it can cause discomfort for passengers in the rear of the vehicle, particularly during extreme weather conditions.

In some cases, the cause of the rear AC vents blowing air issue may be indicative of a more significant issue, such as an electrical problem, refrigerant leak, or malfunctioning air conditioning components. 

If left unaddressed, these problems can potentially lead to more expensive repairs in the future or affect the overall performance of the air conditioning system.

Overall, while rear AC vents trouble is not a serious problem in terms of vehicle safety or performance. 

It is still essential to diagnose and address the underlying cause to maintain passenger comfort and avoid potential complications down the road.


Why are my rear AC vents not blowing cold air?

This issue may result from low refrigerant levels, a malfunctioning compressor, or a clogged cabin air filter. 

Diagnosing and addressing the specific cause can help restore proper cooling function to your rear AC vents.

How much does it cost to fix rear AC vents trouble blowing air?

The cost of fixing rear AC vents issue depends on the underlying cause. 

Simple fixes like cleaning vents or replacing a cabin air filter can be relatively inexpensive, while more complex repairs like replacing a blower motor or AC control module may be more costly. 

Obtain an ACcurate diagnosis and estimate from a qualified mechanic for your specific situation.

Can I fix rear AC vents issues by myself?

Some causes of rear AC vents issues can be addressed with basic DIY maintenance, such as cleaning vents, checking fuses, or replacing a cabin air filter. 

However, more complex issues like repairing a blower motor or diagnosing a refrigerant leak may require professional expertise and tools.

How can I prevent my rear AC vents from not blowing air in the future?

Regular maintenance and inspection of your vehicle’s air conditioning system can help prevent rear AC vents from malfunctioning. 

This includes cleaning vents, replacing cabin air filters, and addressing any detected issues promptly.

Is it safe to drive my vehicle if the rear AC vents are not blowing air?

While rear AC vents air blowing problems can cause discomfort for passengers, it doesn’t directly impact the vehicle’s drivability or safety. 

However, it’s important to diagnose and address the underlying cause to ensure proper function and avoid potential complications down the road.

Do I need to take my vehicle to a specialist to fix rear AC vents air blowing issue?

While a general mechanic can diagnose and fix many issues related to rear AC vents not blowing air, some problems may require specialized knowledge or equipment. 

If you’re unsure about the specific cause or repair process, it’s best to consult a professional mechanic or an air conditioning specialist.

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